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  • Is this an overnight con?
    Nope, Cabincon is one-day only with no overnight accommodation. You're welcome to stay in Scarborough (I mean, of course you are - I can't exactly kick you out at the end), but it won't be part of the event!
  • Do I need to register?
    It really helps, but no, there's no registration needed. If you could let us know in advance whether you'll be coming, it'll help with planning.
  • Do I need a fursuit to attend?
    No! Absolutely not! You don't need a fursuit or a fursona or anything to attend - all we ask is that you're 18+ (due to the presence of alcohol) and contribute towards the cost of the chalet hire. Most furries don't have fursuits, and we'd love to see you there, suit or not!
  • What fursuiting facilities are available?
    If you do plan on bringing your fursuit, we'll have a private area for changing (likely the upstairs of one of the cabins) and secure storage of your stuff. Cabins will be locked when nobody is in them. There will likely be a (weather-dependent) fursuit stroll along the promenade for all who want to join in. There's a beach shower around the corner from the chalets, however bear in mind this is unheated, public and outdoor, so on your head be it if you decide to shower. If you'd like to pay a bit, an indoor, heated shower is available in the toilet block.
  • Are there toilets?
    The beach has toilets, these may cost money to use (it seems to be a crapshoot if the barriers are working on any given day). There's *cough* ways around this which may or may not have been passed onto us by the chalet owner. If you have a RADAR key there's an accessible loo too.
  • Who is Reginald Pisslegs?
    That's Sir Reginald Pisslegs - a dead crab who graced Cabincon '17 with his presence, and his descendants Sir Reginald Pisslegs II, III and IV who were visited upon us at Cabincon '18, '19 and '22. It is traditional to raise a glass to the memory of Sirs Reginald, and locate a worthy successor. Could there be a Sir Reginald Pisslegs V?
  • What is crunting?
    "Crunting" is a portmanteau of "crab" and "hunting". You are welcome to join in on the multiple crunting expeditions which will no doubt occur throughout the day. If the crab is alive, please don't actually take, kill or hurt it, and return it to the pool in which it was found.
  • This is the thing with the caravans right?
    No that's Furcation.
  • Why is the beach getting smaller?
    dastardly plot
  • Where does my donation go?
    The £10 donation helps to cover chalet hire, food and administration, such as printing the badges. Once we've hit the amount required to cover chalet hire, we'll buy a load of food with the overage and put some stuff towards next year's event.
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